Dissertation defense

Students: Sandro Melo Cardoso Battle

Title: The Dionysian in Nietzsche: "artist" to "metaphysical physiology of art"

Summary: The Dionysian is one of the notions that can facilitate an accurate understanding about the Nietzschean aesthetics. In these terms, to consider the conceptual tools offered by "metaphysics of artist" and "art" physiology as particularly relevant to a debate on the topic, this work holds the main goal search the ways in which the notion of the Dionysian is discussed in the course of Nietzsche's philosophical thought, more specifically in the passage of the "artist" to "metaphysical physiology of art." At first, is the relationship between the design of the Uno-paramount, romanticism, the tragic and the Dionysian philosophy present in the first phase of the Nietzschean philosophy. Are then presented and discussed comments on the considerable Dionysian in Greek tragedy, culminating in a theoretical rearrangement on the notion of the Dionysian: the monistic conception of Dionysus and the idea of the Rapture as a necessary condition to all art. In turn, are indicated and supported relevant findings on the physiology of art "Nietzschean. On the one hand, it is highlighted the possibility of an artistic Transfiguration of reality through the intensification of feeling of power, on the other, is shown the symptoms of décadence art. Such a line of investigation leads to the conclusion that the Dionysian is essential to Nietzsche on art design develop its tragic based on "metaphysics", as well as artist, is indispensable in their aesthetic considerations that appear in your project a "physiology of art."

Keywords: "Metaphysics of artist"; Dionysian; "physiology of art."

Location: Laboratory of Philosophy, the IFCH/UFPA

Date: 11/26/2015

Time: 10:00


Advisor: Ernani Pine Keys, PPGFIL/UFPA

External Examiner: Marcio Benchimol Barros, UNESP/MARÍLIA

Internal examiner: Leena Ramos de Souza, PPGFIL/UFPA

Alternate: Mariana Lage Miranda, PPGFIL/UFPA