Dissertation defense

Students: Arthur Martins Cecim

Title: Art and intellectual intuition in Schelling


Summary: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between art and intellectual intuition in Schelling from the perspective of the lectures of the philosophy of art and of the system of transcendental idealism. Within the concept of philosophy of art as absolute construction in the form of art, we intend to analyze the importance of symbolic display absolutez to the objectivity of the ideas of philosophy. So, by the side of this absolute exposure mode, the art can actually display the Archetypes of philosophy in a concrete object. By the side of intuition, as shows us the sixth part of the system of transcendental idealism, that means the production of aesthetic intuition is the only form of objectification of intellectual intuition, which remains dubitável in the theoretical and practical spheres because there are no objects in the experience that match the intelligible object this intuition in these two areas.

Keywords: Art. Exhibition. Intuition. Intellectual. Objectification.

Research line: Modern Philosophy

Location: Laboratory of Philosophy, the IFCH/UFPA

Date: 11/3/2015

Time: 10:00


Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pedro Paulo da Costa Crown, PPGFIL/UFPA

External examiner: Profa. Dr. Giorgia Cecchinato, PPG-FIL/UFMG

Internal examiner: Prof. Dr. Luis Eduardo Ramos de Souza, PPGFIL/UFPA

Alternate: Profa. Dr. Mariana Lage Miranda, PPGFIL, UFPA