Dissertation defense
Students: Roney Lee Brito
Title: What is understanding in philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer
Summary: The goal is to show that Heidegger did not propose to defend a pure subjective philosophy marked by solipsism and apartada in history. Gadamer seeks to rehabilitate a subjectivity that is determined and marked by his world. The world reported by Gadamer is mediated historically and interpreted through language. The great gadameriano is the effort of overcoming the philosophy marked by subjectivity (pure) with the proposal of a philosophical hermeneutics which seeks to rehabilitate the tradition and their preconceptions, where the subject is in fact subject.
Keywords: Gadamer. Understanding. Self understanding. Language
Location: Laboratory of Philosophy, the IFCH/UFPA
Date: 10/27/2015
Time: 10:00
Advisor: Nelson José de Souza Júnior, PPGFIL/UFPA
External Examiner: Abegail Seibtz, PPGP/UFPA
Internal Examiner: Ernani Pine Keys, PPGFIL/UFPA
Alternate: Mariana Lage Miranda, PPGFIL/UFPA